With so many students departing on their way to college, it's important to be aware of the dangers that come along with it. Heading into the unknown may be scary for most, and the temptation of participating in parties or large gatherings will likely overcome the latter half of individuals depending on the university and the people you meet there. With these parties come safety. Across the nation, thousands of individuals are found victim every day to sexual assault. For the most part, if someone is found to be too drunk at a party where it gets to the point of no memory or body control, they may be taken advantage of and used. Many perpetrators of sexual assault are someone the victim knows.
Ways To Prevent!!
It is often advised to bring a trusted friend so they can watch over you in times of need.
A large factor is controlling the amount of alcohol induced as it can be very influential in the actions of you and others.
In addition, it is key to stay aware of your surroundings, making sure to not to let anyone slip anything into your drink. Never leave your drink unattended.
Hang around large groups of people rather than by yourself.
Set up code words with friends so that you can all stay connected.
Don't drink anything given to you by someone untrusted.
Don't share drinks
Make sure you have a ride home or walk home with a friend or roommate.
In the case of being a bystander, if you're a witness of this crime, do something about it, don't just stand there.
Distract the perpetrator with diversions such as getting food or creating an excuse to leave the party with the victim.
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